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Startup Companies: Your Employment Contract
from:So, you have decided to start your own businesses. You may have realized that there is a lot of effort that goes into doing this kind of life and career change. There are many different legalities that you need to consider, as well as your merchandise or services, and advertising. If you are planning to hire employees, one thing that often gets overlooked is the employment contract. People often think that they can just hire people and call it a day. Although you can technically do this, it is highly unadvised. Not only can you cause legal troubles for your employees, you can also bring on lawsuits on your new startup company. Although some large corporations can handle the occasional lawsuit, the average small business can actually go out of business if one comes about. Then your efforts will have become fruitless. Although you already have a lot to consider, think about, and plan, you still should put some of your money and effort into getting a good employment contract ready for when you begin hiring your employees.
There are several ways you can go about getting your employment contract created. One of the best ways is to hire a lawyer and have them draft up the contracts. This is good because they are the people that are most qualified to make them. The downside to this is that hiring a lawyer can be very expensive. If you are creating your own startup company, you likely don't have a lot of money to invest in this kind of thing. Then again, you should already be using a lawyer to handle certain aspects of the start up of your business. If this is the case, you should try to get your lawyer to throw in the creation of a generic employment contract for free. If you are already giving them a lot of business, there is a good chance that they will take you up on the offer.
If your lawyer won't make the employment contract for you for free, and you can't afford to pay them for it, there are acceptable alternatives. You can always get a book of examples of adequate employment contracts and try to make one yourself. The good thing about this is that it can be very cheap or even free depending on when you find the information. The down side is that you may end up making an employment contract that leaves certain important things out. After all, you aren't likely to be a lawyer, so what do you know about the subject? Still, books and websites can usually teach you enough to be able to handle it.