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The Wait for an the Right Employment Opportunity
from:Anyone who has ever had the task of finding work knows that locating the perfect employment opportunity rarely comes along right away. What starts out as a leisurely search through newspaper classifieds can turn into weeks of looking at the same ads over and over again. Applying online to any opening that manages to sound remotely viable becomes a common practice. Not to mention, there is the antsy wait for a reply from the latest, greatest employment opportunity. Yet when silence follows it leaves people wondering if they should sit on their hands or if perhaps a phone call is in order.
The wait in between jobs can be difficult to say the least. Moving from one employment opportunity to the next can be discouraging. Filling in the gaps with productive measures can not only distract from the anxiety out of the wait, it can mean enhancing the overall package that gets a person hired altogether. While others may sit idle in between gigs, using the services of a career center or career counselor can help one brush up on their resume or interviewing skills. When the next interview comes along, one will be prepared and focused, conveying the confidence that employers make note of.
Working with a career counselor or center can also mean getting set up with an employment opportunity that can be found nowhere else. While companies generally advertise online or in newspapers, a career counselor or center sets up associations that give them the inside scoop on different positions available in local companies. Individuals can then get a chance to put all the new skills they have learned into action. If the interview does not pan out or the job does not seem to be a good fit, the same skills can then be put to use in the next interview.
While waiting for the right employment opportunity it is not only necessary to keep the mind on other things, a positive attitude can also help keep a person on the level. Just because one opportunity does not evolve as anticipated doesn't mean another is not around the corner. The key is to be in the job that matches one's skills and abilities. Settling for a position that is convenient but is actually an ill fit will eventually have one out looking for employment opportunities all over again. At the same time, taking on a small temporary job until something bigger opens up is a common practice for many. This job is usually something a person will not mind quitting once the position they've been waiting for opens up.