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Putting Employment Laws to Work


At the beginning of industrialization and organized work, an employee's surroundings were not regulated. Many found themselves faced with being unprotected and hurt, all for very little pay. Were it not for the employment laws that developed over time, the workplace would still be a very unsafe environment. Not only are there laws delineating the minimum a person can be paid, there are laws that outline the physical safety requirements of workers. Employment laws keep both employers and employees safe. There are stiff fines and penalties for violating these laws that can be applied on both state and federal levels.

Some employment laws have to do with discrimination based on sex, race, age or religious affiliation. Others provide for those with disabilities. Some employment laws are for certain work environments such as kitchens, factories or construction sites. Federal employment guidelines are those that stay the same and apply regardless of where one resides in the country. However, states have their own guidelines that are applied in conjunction with federal laws. Therefore, when one moves from one state to another, it is important to remember guidelines that applied before may no longer be applicable. Even if the law is the same between a state, there can sill be different manners in which they are applied.

Whether state held or federal, employment laws number in the many and are quite complex. The basic phrasing of a law can make its meaning clear; however, there are a number of factors that define what, when and where the law is made applicable. Those who believe their rights have been violated according to any one of the established employment acts will need the help of a knowledgeable attorney steeped in employment law. This individual will be able to determine if and what law has been broken and how it should be approached. Some cases are simple; more often than not they are anything but.

By law, employers are required to display federal and state employment guidelines where employees can see them. At the same time, changing work environments lead to the constant modification of employment laws. While the standard regulations remain the same, small adjustments are commonly made to laws from time to time. These adjustments address all new issues of keeping a safe and ethical work environment. As the working world grows and evolves, there are simply many employment situations cropping up that no one has ever dealt with before. To protect the rights of the worker, sometimes new statutes or an adjustment to current guidelines must be made.