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The Protections of Employment Law


The workplace is an area that has a number of laws established to keep employees safe. From mandating the hiring process to dismissals, everything work related must follow the guidelines of employment law. Since the beginning of organized work environments, many situations have emerged that compromised or brought up the question of worker safety and benefits. This eventually led to the implementation of new values and principals that not only protected workers but employers as well. The laws are broad and number in the many, yet are still designed to work together as valuable protective measures. Nowadays, employment law is applied at both federal and state levels.
Many laws stem from acts such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA states that it is illegal to discriminate based on disability and that reasonable accommodations for the disabled must be made. The Family and Medical Leave Act authorizes 12 weeks of unpaid leave from a place of employment to care for crisis situations or issues of a medical nature. Every employment law has its applications. While federal laws always apply uniformly, state laws do not. It is up to both the employer and the employee to be up to date on the employment laws of both their local and federal governments.
When any employment law is broken, it is necessary for the employee to seek out experienced legal counsel. As stated, the laws are broad and number in the many; not to mention there are a great many factors that affect their application. Certain agencies may be required to investigate in the matter, providing impartial evidence of a breach on either the side of the employee or employer. In general, most companies prefer arbitration as going to court is costly and time consuming. Other times, going to court cannot be helped. No matter what employment law is at debate, finding well versed and knowledgeable attorneys is a must.
To keep workers in the know, every employer is required by law to have updated federal and state employment law posters. These posters must be placed in public view and display everything from the current legal minimum wage standards to explanations of such things as the Workers Compensation Act. Whether the posters consisting of state and federal guidelines are combined or separate is immaterial; as long as all the correct information is displayed, the employer will find itself within the confines of the law. Generally, employers that do not comply will receive a warning from inspectors; however, a consistent disregard for policy will result in a fine.