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Ohio Employment Law – Making it Right


Ohio employment law seems to be a bit of a mare's nest in terms of having definitive parameters. For instance, voters approved an amendment to the constitution to increase the minimum wage to $6.85 per hour. Also, under the amendment, Ohio employment law deems that employers set up and maintain detailed payroll records for each employee.
This Ohio employment law requirement did not go over very well with the business community, who felt the law was way overboard and a major pain in the butt. Politicians stepped in and fixed it. Or rather made Ohio employment law even vaguer by narrowing some of the amendments. This will most certainly result in constitutional challenges.
One of the tricky areas in Ohio employment law is the definition of who an employee is for the Ohio Wage and Hour Law. Now, you'd think that might be a no brainer, but there are workers under the age of 16. Basically, all employees in the state are to be paid the new minimum wage – with exemptions being those under 16, employees who are tipped and family members working in a family business (makes you think twice about working for your family doesn’t it?)
The bill brought in by the politicians narrowed the definition of an employee even further and excluded some of the following people from the minimum wage requirements: outside sales people, live-in companions, newspaper delivery persons, camp counselors etc. Bottom line is it messed things up even further for Ohio employment law.
A few other changes were also brought in. Under Ohio employment law employers MUST give all new employees their name, address, phone number, web address, email, and fax – among other things. Rather like overkill isn't it? People need to get this information on their first day of work. And, if the company moves, all the workers must be told within 60 days of any and all changes. They can tell them in a variety of ways such as stuffing a pay envelope or posting on a bulletin board.
Strict payroll records must be kept in a conspicuous place for workers to access, and to be able to do so at no charge. Tricky area here is Ohio employment law doesn't limit the request to see these records to just the record of the worker. Theoretically they could ask for anybodies records, even the boss.
The good news in this area of employment law is that the bill the politicians dragged into inception does narrow the amount of information that can be requested and who may request it.